Quick Facts
- Avaunt® 30WG is a water dispersible granular insecticide to be mixed in water and applied as a spray for control of codling moth and leafroller caterpillars in apples and pears and leafroller caterpillars in grapes.
- After application insect feeding stops within 24 hours although death may take several days.
- Avaunt® 30WG can be used in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programmes.
- Active Ingredient: 300 g/kg Indoxacarb
- Formulation Type: Water dispersible granule (WG)
- Pack Size: 400 g, 500 g, 1 kg
ACVM Number: P005355
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Target Control For Apple
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Codling Moth
- Leafroller Caterpillar
Pears & Nashi Pears

Full crop listing
- Apple
- Pears & Nashi Pears
- Grapes
Always read and follow label instructions. FMC, the FMC logo and Avaunt® are trademarks of FMC Corporation and/or an affiliate.