Quick Facts
- Using Shark® Herbicide to de-sucker grapevines requires less labour than the manual alternative whilst also reducing the risk of injury to pruners or spreading trunk diseases through poor hygiene practices.
- Shark® Herbicide is a non-residual contact herbicide designed to maximise efficacy and reduce drift.
- Shark® Herbicide provides excellent safety in vines, hops, brambles and canefruit because the active constituent is not translocated within the plant to roots or other unsprayed leaves.
- Shark® Herbicide is very compatible with knockdown herbicides for faster burndown and improved control of tough broadleaf weeds such as mallow.
- Active Ingredient: 60 g/L Carfentrazone
- Formulation Type: Micro emulsion (ME)
- Pack Size: 1 L, 5 L
ACVM Number: P007808
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Target Control For Grapes
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Desuckering Of Grapevines
- Shoot Control
- Seed Potato Haulms
Full crop listing
- Brambles
- Canefruit
- Hops
- Potato
- Grapes
Always read and follow label instructions. FMC, the FMC logo, and Shark® are trademarks of FMC Corporation and/or an affiliate.