Quick Facts
Improve the overall performance of your knockdown herbicide including the speed of burndown with Hammer® Force.
- Fast acting: Faster burndown than glyphosate applied alone
- Enhanced control: Helps improve overall control on tough broadleaf weeds such as Mallow
- Non-Residual: Nil grazing or drilling withholding period, no additional restrictions to the use of glyphosate
- Active Ingredient: 240 g/L Carfentrazone
- Formulation Type: Oil in water emulsion (EW)
- Pack Size: 1 L, 4 L
ACVM Number: P007983
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New Pasture
Target Control For New Pasture
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Broadleaf Weeds


Grass Seed Crops

Seed Potatoes
Full crop listing
- Cereals
- Grass Seed Crops
- Seed Potatoes
- Peas
- New Pasture
- Forage Brassica
- Fodder Beet
- Potato
- Onion
Cleavers and Vetch only susceptible to Hammer® Force at 70ml/ha. See label for tank mix partners to avoid using with Hammer® Force
Always read and follow label instructions. FMC, the FMC logo and Hammer® Force are trademarks of FMC Corporation and/or an affiliate.