Quick Facts
- While Granstar® Herbicide stops the growth of susceptible weeds within days, typical symptoms (discoloration) of dying weeds may not be noticeable for 1-3 weeks after application, for best results apply to young, actively growing weeds.
- Warm moist conditions following treatment promote the activity of Granstar® while cold, dry conditions delay the herbicidal activity.
- Active Ingredient: 750 g/kg Tribenuron-methyl
- Formulation Type: Water dispersible granule (WG)
- Pack Size: 200 g; 1 Kg
ACVM Number: P003873
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New Pasture

Full crop listing
- Cereals
- Maize
- Potato
- New Pasture
DO NOT apply Granstar® Herbicide to crops that are stressed by severe weather conditions, disease, or insect damage as crop injury may result.
Always read and follow label instructions. FMC, the FMC logo, and Granstar® are trademarks of FMC Corporation and/or an affiliate.