Quick Facts
- Perfect Protection
- Perfect Growth
- Perfect Harvest
Active Ingredients
Fluopyram & tebukonazol
Supporting Documents
Product Overview
Kivalo™ 400SC is intended for rice and vegetable farmers who crave optimal yields in terms of protection disease and harvest quality, as well as providing a sense of security, confidence, self-confidence and added value high quality of perfect harvest.
How it works : Kivalo™ 400SC provides better growth for your plants, as seen from better plant vigor, higher number of grain per panicle, more optimal number of panicles per clump and longer panicle average.
Labels and SDS



Pesticides must be used with the recommended dosage/concentration and the recommended interval application on the label or on the accompanying supplementary label. Good agricultural cultivation practices need to be known and implemented when using this product. FMC is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from use in any way that does not comply with the recommendations given by FMC. The user fully assumes all risks related to unrecommended use.
Full crop listing
- Chili
- Rice
- Shallot