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Group 28 Insecticide

Coragen® 200 SC Insecticide

Coragen® insect control powered by Rynaxypyr® active does more to optimize the yields and quality of your crops by achieving consistent and long-lasting control of key pests. It stops insect feeding within minutes of application and provides up to three weeks of residual control when used at the high label rate against a broad spectrum of Lepidopteran pests 

Quick Facts

  • Protects  vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, sweet corn, alfalfa, strawberries and other crops from a broad spectrum of Lepidopteran pests
  • Fast-acting chemistry: Lepidopteran pests stop feeding within minutes after exposure.
  • Long-lasting protection: Residual control of up to 21 days with a foliar application, or longer with a drip application.
  • Flexible application: At-planting soil applications, chemigation and/or foliar applications.
  • Maximum efficiency: Higher rate range than competitive products offers maximum control of key insect pests.
  • Minimal impact on bees and other pollinators* and ideal for IPM programs.
  • Single active to be used at rate and timing of choosing for resistance management and added flexibility.
  • It has high biological activity.
  • Thanks to its superior formulation, it is very easy to prepare the drug for application and to clean the sprayer.
  • It is carried in the leaf. (translaminar effect)
  • In addition to its ability to control the pest on its own, it also shows excellent miscibility with other insecticides and fungicides

Active ingredient

  • Rynaxypyr (Chlorantraniliprole)

Labels And SDS

1 Labels Available

Product Overview

CORAGEN® has a novel mode of action and acts by binding to and activating insect ryanodine receptors.

CORAGEN® is active as a larvicide through ingestion (stomach action) and through cuticular absorption (contact action).

CORAGEN® controls mainly Lepidopteran insect pests, but also some insect pests in other Orders e.g. Coleoptera, Diptera etc.


Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, the registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal climatic and storage conditions; quality of dilution water, compatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the pest against the remedy concerned as well as by the method, time and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal or for lack of performance of the remedy concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier immediately in the event of any uncertainty.

Full crop listing

  • Potato
  • Sugar beet
  • Corn
  • Grapes
  • Tomato