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Anthem® Flex Herbicide Is The Cornerstone Of Your Downy Brome Program in Winter Wheat

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our technical services team


Downy brome (Bromus tectorum) is a winter annual grass introduced into the U.S. from Europe in the 1800s through a contaminated shipment of grain. The grass typically germinates in the fall, overwinters in the vegetative state and resumes growth in early spring. The life cycle of this grass makes it competitive with winter wheat in the PNW. Studies have shown that downy brome can reduce wheat yields by up to 92%. Under ideal conditions, downy brome may produce over 400 lbs. of seed per acre, replenishing the weed seedbank for the next cropping season. It should be noted that downy brome with resistance to Group 2 herbicides (ALS inhibitors) and Group 1 (ACCase inhibitors) has been found across the western United States.

Why Anthem® Flex Herbicide?

  • Anthem Flex herbicide controls downy brome, Italian rye, rattail fescue and pigeon grass, which are not well controlled by POST herbicides.

  • Anthem Flex herbicide is the only non-Group 2 herbicide labeled for downy brome control in wheat. 2(ee) label for control of downy brome in WA, ID, OR and MT.

  • May be applied preplant or preemergence to both spring wheat and winter wheat.*

  • Anthem Flex herbicide provides both short- and long-term risk management in downy brome control for a relatively low cost.

  • Anthem Flex herbicide reduces weed populations overall and slows weed growth, resulting in more flexibility in the POST application window.

  • Anthem Flex herbicide reduces the number of weeds that are treated by POST herbicides, which also slows the rate of herbicide resistance development.

  • Anthem Flex herbicide increases the number of different sites of action used within a season, slowing the rate of resistance development.

  • Anthem Flex herbicide reduces the risk of yield loss if weather interferes with timely POST application. In the absence of residual herbicides such as Anthem Flex herbicide, moisture loss can occur when weeds reach a height of 3 inches.

Maximizing Anthem® Flex Herbicide Performance

  • Use the correct labeled rate for your soil type.

  • Discuss with your cooperator about using the correct use rate for the soil type and managing heavy residue.

  • Timing to rainfall is everything.
    • Apply to dry soil prior to first rainfall of the fall up to 30 days prior to planting for best downy brome control.
    • If we apply Anthem Flex herbicide to wet soil and do not get a rain for an additional 10 days, there will be escapes.

  • Always use with a burndown material/glyphosate to control any emerged weeds.

Requirements and Restrictions
  • Flexible application timing: May be applied 30 days preplant for control of downy brome.

  • Excellent crop safety in spring and winter wheat. Do not use on durum.

  • Recommended use rates: 3.25-4.5 fl. oz./A depending on soil type.

  • Flexible application methods: Ground or aerial applications.

  • Plant wheat a minimum of 1 inch deep.

  • Do not plant wheat over 1.5 inches deep.Apply prior to weed germination.

  • Anthem Flex herbicide must be activated to provide control; half-inch of rain required to activate.

  • To reduce the risk of crop response, apply preplant or preemergence only to soils with a CEC greater than 15, pH less than 7.5 and soils with an OM greater than 2%. Otherwise, apply as a delayed pre application.

*Preplant and preemergence only for use in ID, MT, WA and OR.


Find more insights and trial data on maximizing downy brome control in winter wheat.